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Data Analytics

Analytics Services Overview

In today’s connected world, to differentiate and compete, leading organizations are generating opportunities by leveraging cutting-edge analytics. Regardless of where you are in your data and analytics journey, we can partner with you to help you derive this value from your data at an industrialized scale with ensured adoption.

DeOpSe provides services covering the whole spectrum of Analytics work done in an organization, from Insights and Modeling to AI and ML. We also enable mining of value, through embedding analytics in the enterprise’s processes and systems. Through technology and consulting, we ensure the adoption of scientific decision- making across the enterprise, rather than in pockets / silos.

Data and analytics: the foundation of your AI journey

Data and analytics strategy

We'll map your analytics initiatives to quantifiable business outcomes with a data-driven approach.

Data discovery and augmentation

We bring you 360-degree customer views by augmenting your assets with third-party data and predictive analytics.

Data management and beyond

In addition to data synthesis and analytics, we assist with governance, monetization and compliance.

Data democratization

We customize user-friendly tools to empower employees to embrace data and hit the ground running on the journey to AI.

Enterprise Data Analytics Services

DeOpSe’s digital expertise in data analytics helps you unlock multi-fold outcomes for your business by harnessing the power of all disruptive next-gen data technologies. We help you analyze the current state and develop a strong data foundation to optimize your business performance, and commercialize data opportunities.


Data Visualization

Spot trends, track goals, identify outliers and compare the performance of various categories, brands, and products with a strong data visualization platform that is designed to fit all of your business needs.


Data Warehousing

Our expert team transforms data from different sources into useful and actionable information using different ETL/ELT techniques and stores it in a data warehouse.


Consulting & Data Advisory

Find the right data strategy to align your IT and operation teams with every business opportunity. From assessment to modeling and implementation, we have all of your data needs covered.

Business Benefits

Smart Decision-Making

Provide personalized operational dashboards based on real time data for enhanced and guided decisions.

Enhanced Performance

Provide unified data view with interactive and intuitive reports, thus enabling users to take informed decisions and improve performance.

Improved Operational Efficiency

Reduce metadata handling complexities allowing users with ease of access to data and operational reports.

Why choose us ?

Deep Domain Expertise

Our services span from data strategy creation to a future-ready data architecture with deep-domain expertise.

A Full-Service Suite

We offer a full-service suite for software development, product testing, and enhancement which can be leveraged to accelerate the product's go-to-market.

Insights Driven Outcome

Through our AI/ML applications and reporting engagements, we deliver impactful insights.